XAMPP with Bitnami enables you to run WordPress (and many other apps) on your Windows computer. But what if you want to run several WordPress installs locally, each in a separate directory and database?
1) Install XAMPP on your local Windows computer.
Though outside the scope of this page it’s actually quite easy. Follow these instructions: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
Note: Install in the default C:xampp (if not things get complex with Windows 10 permissions, you don’t want that..).
2) Download latest Bitnami WordPress installer for Windows here:
https://bitnami.com/stack/wordpress (for single WordPres sites)
and save it to: C:xamppbitnami installer
3) Start XAMPP Control Panel, then start Mysql and Apache in the Control Panel
4) Start terminal in XAMPP Control Panel: Press the button “Shell”
5) Type below commands at the command line
- Notes regarding the second line:
- Adjust to the latest Bitnami file version
- Adjust the installation name at the end to whatever you want ( for example: mywordpresspetproject instead of wordpress1)
cd c:xamppbitnami installer
bitnami-wordpress-4.9.1-2-module-windows-installer.exe –wordpress_instance_name wordpress1
6) Within a minute the Bitnami installer starts up. The program asks you to choose a directory in which it can find the XAMPP or Bitname files. Leave this at c:xampp (unless you installed XAMPP in a different directory).
7) The program asks you to choose a password, (choose anything you want)
8) Typically the program can promt you for other information, such as a blog title (choose anything, you can change this later, for example ‘wordpress’) and a user, (type any username you like, for example user1)
9) Start the Bitnami instance by typing the following url in a local browser:
You can log in with these admin credentials:
User: user1
Password: <whatever you choose>
The files are installed here:
(Or wordpress2 or whatever directory you choose earlier in step 5).
If you want to install another WordPress install in another directory:
Repeat the steps above, just choose another name in step 5.
If you want to delete an install:
1) Delete the corresponding directory c:xamppapps
2) Go to the XAMPP Control Panel –> Apache -> Config –> httpd.conf
and remove the line at the end of the file which refers to the installation. For example:
Include “C:/xampp/apps/wordpress1/conf/httpd-prefix.conf”
I hope this clarifies!