How to run several Bitnami WordPress installs on XAMPP

XAMPP with Bitnami enables you to run WordPress (and many other apps) on your Windows computer. But what if you want to run several WordPress installs locally, each in a separate directory and database?


1) Install XAMPP on your local Windows computer.

Though outside the scope of this page it’s actually quite easy. Follow these instructions:

Note: Install in the default C:xampp (if not things get complex with Windows 10 permissions, you don’t want that..).

2) Download latest Bitnami WordPress installer for Windows here: (for single WordPres sites)
and save it to: C:xamppbitnami installer

3) Start XAMPP Control Panel, then start Mysql and Apache in the Control Panel
4) Start terminal in XAMPP Control Panel: Press the button “Shell”
5) Type below commands at the command line

  • Notes regarding the second line:
    • Adjust to the latest Bitnami file version
    • Adjust the installation name at the end to whatever you want ( for example: mywordpresspetproject instead of wordpress1)


cd c:xamppbitnami installer
bitnami-wordpress-4.9.1-2-module-windows-installer.exe –wordpress_instance_name wordpress1

6) Within a minute the Bitnami installer starts up. The program asks you to choose a directory in which it can find the XAMPP or Bitname files. Leave this at c:xampp (unless you installed XAMPP in a different directory).
7) The program asks you to choose a password, (choose anything you want)
8) Typically the program can promt you for other information, such as a blog title (choose anything, you can change this later, for example ‘wordpress’) and a user, (type any username you like, for example user1)
9) Start the Bitnami instance by typing the following url in a local browser:

You can log in with these admin credentials:

User: user1
Password: <whatever you choose>

The files are installed here:

(Or wordpress2 or whatever directory you choose earlier in step 5).

If you want to install another WordPress install in another directory:

Repeat the steps above, just choose another name in step 5.

If you want to delete an install:
1) Delete the corresponding directory c:xamppapps
2) Go to the XAMPP Control Panel –> Apache -> Config –> httpd.conf
and remove the line at the end of the file which refers to the installation. For example:

Include “C:/xampp/apps/wordpress1/conf/httpd-prefix.conf”

I hope this clarifies!

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